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Reflecting on Personal Values and Authenticity as a BCBA

Let's take a step back from the data sheets, intervention plans, and supervision schedules to talk about something incredibly important as a Behavior Analyst: our values and authenticity in our professional lives.

Authentic And Value-Driven Behaviors

We spend so much time focused on our clients' behaviors, but how often do we reflect on our own? Our personal values guide our professional actions, decisions, and interactions. Authenticity, on the other hand, is about staying true to these values, even when it’s challenging.

Why Does Authenticity Matter?

Authenticity is key to living a fulfilling life, both in your BCBA work life and at home. When we're authentic, we build stronger, more trusting relationships with our clients, their families, our colleagues, and ourselves. Authenticity fosters trust and openness, creating a safe and supportive environment for everyone involved. Being true to who you are allows you to bring your best self to every situation. Because you are being your truest you!

Operationally Defining Authenticity

So how do we define authentic behavior? Well, authenticity can be defined as the consistent demonstration of behavior that aligns with one's core values and beliefs, across various environments and interactions in the absence of masking yourself or your actions. This authentic behavior involves the big five:

  1. Self-Awareness: Understanding and recognizing your own values, beliefs, and emotions.

  2. Congruence: Ensuring that your actions, words, and behaviors are consistent with your values and beliefs.

  3. Transparency: Being open and honest in your communications, without pretense or deceit.

  4. Consistency: Maintaining the same principles and behaviors across different situations and with different people.

  5. Integrity: Upholding ethical standards and being true to your professional and personal principles, even when faced with challenges.

Discovering Your Core Values

We are pretty positive you have noticed finding your core values is an important first step in living authentically. You took the BCBA exam so obviously you are good at identifying these cues.

Finding your core values is an introspective process that requires some reflection. Not sure how to go about this? If you would like a visual then try this list from Personal Values Online Test. It defines all the common values used in most value based assessments. Next, try reflecting on your experiences. Think about moments in your life when you felt truly fulfilled and content. What were you doing? Who were you with? What values were you honoring in those moments? Also, consider times when you felt upset or conflicted. What values were being compromised or ignored?

There is nothing like a good -'ol - fashion evaluation. Evaluate your past decisions (within reason - don't go down a weird mental road). Look at the major decisions you’ve made in your life. What values were you honoring when you made those choices?

Ask yourself some deeper questions:

  • What do I stand for?

  • What principles guide my behavior?

  • What qualities do I want to cultivate in myself?

Aligning Your Work with Your Values

Once you’ve identified your values, it’s important to align your work with them. You might be thinking how do I do that? Maybe your values are honesty, empathy, and respect. Here is how you may align your behavior to demonstrate these particular values.


  • Be transparent with clients and their families, even when it’s difficult.

  • Be honest with yourself that you do not have expertise in an area and need supervision or support.

  • Be honest with yourself that you need a break.

  • Ask yourself - "Did I really eat today or did I only live off of coffee?"


  • Take the time to understand and appreciate the perspectives and feelings of your clients during that BIP.

  • Take time to appreciate and understand that your client's Mom is REALLY overwhelmed and that plan you gave her is not going to help.

  • Understand that the schedule change that just happened doesn't bother you, but it feels like the end of the world to your client and you are there to support them using kindness and behavior science.

  • Take time to allow yourself to feel and process what happened after that really tough behavioral episode.


  • Value the opinions and preferences of the people you work with, and incorporate their input into your plans.

  • Respect that what you find really important for your client is just not the priority for the family at this time.

  • Don't answer that text at 9 PM from the parent. You have boundaries and work ended at 6 PM. You are not on call - but if you were then you should definitely get paid more.

Aligning Your Personal Life with Your Values

You didn't think your values only applied to your work life did you? Don't be a silly goose. Your values carry over to every aspect of your life. When you live your values, you live authentically. Let's say your values are the same three - honesty, empathy, and respect. Here are some examples:


  • Be straightforward with your thoughts and feelings in your relationships.

  • Put on your plate what you can healthily handle.

  • Tell people yes and no when you need to.


  • Are you listening to hear or talk? Practice active listening.

  • Offer help and support to friends and family when they’re in need.


  • Respect your body and give it rest when it needs it.

  • Express gratitude and appreciation for the people in your life. A simple thank you can go a long way.

Living Authentically = Happier Life

When our actions align with our values, we experience a sense of integrity and satisfaction that contributes to our overall well-being. We develop stronger relationships, become more resilient, and find greater fulfillment.

If you’re a supervisor, you have a big influence on the next generation of BCBAs. By being authentic yourself, you can inspire your supervisees to do the same. Encourage open discussions about values and create an environment where honesty and integrity are prioritized.


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We are not your typical ABA learning platform. Our goal is to have you learn how the science of behavior analysis can increase more than just verbal behavior. Join us in learning how to use this science to better your and your client's lives. 


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